miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010


General Outlines

The Caribbean Biennial (BC) was conceived in Santo Domingo in 1992, as a contest and an encounter dedicated especially to Painting in the Caribbean and in Central America, including the Greater and Lesser Antilles, Mexico, Columbia, Venezuela, Guyana, Cayenne and Surinam. During the last two editions (2001-2003), the Republic hosted the so-called "transterrados" that is, those Caribbean artists who settled especially in Miami and New York. It is during these editions that the Biennial consolidated its prestige and organizational potential as an international platform, thus affirming its operational capacities ranging from integration to an invitation to all contemporary plastic and visual forms.

In the context of the Declaration of the city of Santo Domingo as "American Capital of Culture 2010", the Ministry of Culture, through the Modern Art Museum, are committed to the task of radically redefining the bases of the original organization, objectives and name of the Biennial which, as from this invitation, will move towards new concrete horizons such as the International Triennial of the Caribbean (TRIC 2010) as well as other open and alternative spaces of the Dominican capital from the 1st September to the 24th October 2010.

During the first decade of the 21st century, The Dominican Republic has acquired a prestigious presence in the processes of integrating and reinforcing Democracy in the Caribbean region and Latin America. These initiatives taken on by the President of the Republic, Dr. Leonel Fernández, put forward worthy solutions to the conflict situations which have recently shaken the regional political stability.

In a spontaneous way, various political personalities and institutions have honoured the First City by giving it the title of "Capital of dialogue and Democracy". Thus, in the context of the festive activities of "Santo Domingo, American Capital of Culture 2010", the Ministry of Culture and the Modern Art Museum have conceived this first International Triennial of the Caribbean, finding inspiration in the deep-rooted vocation of the "City of the Ozama" as a space for regional encounters and fraternal dialogues concerning the most worrying social, cultural, political and environmental problems facing Humanity today.

Due to global climate warming, the "holes" in the ozone layer increase the risks of carcinogenic sun rays, the ice of the two Poles and the glaciers of the Himalaya are melting with increasing speed; climatic disasters are occurring more often and with greater frequency, affecting dramatically today nearly 250 million people. Suffice it is to mention that in 2008, the main gases responsible for the green house effect reached levels never before seen since the pre-industrial era. Experts warn that if we do not manage to reduce from 50 to 80% of global emissions by the year 2020, by mid century only 5% of tropical forest will remain. In 2090, 66% of mammals will be extinct as well as the birds and plants of our planet earth. In some regions, the atmospheric warming is already destroying agriculture, killing cattle and increasing the surface of oceans and deserts and the frequency of rains, with hunger and extreme poverty as its terrible consequences.

The 15th International Conference of the Organization of United Nations on Climate Change (COP 15) that recently took place in Copenhagen, Denmark ended, after a “strange” agreement to disagree, with the signature – on the part of the main industrialized countries – of an anti warming political pact which amounts to the ratifying of the Kyoto Protocol (2005).

The intensification of dialogue and interdisciplinary processes, offering concrete solutions to the complexities of the current global crisis, is essential not only as an imperative of an ethical and moral order but also as an ideological challenge to all nations, all sectors be they political, economic, scientific, cultural, communitarian, professional or civil, to the dominance of economic values over environmental values and which makes it one of the main causes of this crisis.

As it is with Science and Technology, Art represents a form of multi-disciplinary knowledge and an exceptional means of communicating with the cosmos and bears witness to the engagement of Culture and Art: the concepts of Development, Society and the Environment are inseparable. Always in the avant-garde, artists are involved in the risky and fertile task of getting back into creation, of learning – and of teaching – of once again belonging to the Earth and never leave her again.

In the area of contemporary plastic and visual Arts, symbolic practices and alternative proposals towards a more integrated and harmonious relationship between Biosphere and Social Space, Culture and biodiversity, Humanity and Nature, Society and the Environment are emerging. Contemporary visual creators are ‘intervening’ and getting closer to Nature for whom she becomes a theme or a space for creative, critical, provoking and always involved actions.
Today, the committed artist wants his creations to reflect, from a critical point of view, the alarming changes of values and to have an influence on highlighting and rectifying them.

The I International Caribbean Triennial wishes to be a privileged platform for the empowerment of contemporary artists from the Caribbean and Central America: as a new challenge towards a multicultural, edifying, encouraging reflections, poetic, transparent, festive, proposing, fraternal and imposing – from and through imagination, sensitivity and creativity. Allowing freedom of materials, ideas and resources, the TRIC/2010 will especially target artists whose proposals will share the fact of intense questioning concerning the many elements which make up the complex identities and contemporary social realities as well as an essential concern about the disastrous effects that result from the staggering degradation some human groups inflict on biodiversity, often through systems of exploitation, “development” and consumption of non renewable natural resources.

I Trienal Internacional del Caribe / Lineamientos Generales / Conceptos y Bases

Lineamientos Generales

La Bienal del Caribe (BC) fue concebida en Santo Domingo, en 1992, como certamen y encuentro dedicado especialmente a la pintura del Caribe y Centroamérica, incluyendo las grandes y pequeñas Antillas, México, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Cayena y Suriname. En sus dos últimas ediciones (2001-2003), acoge a los llamados “transterrados” o artistas caribeños de “la diáspora”, radicados especialmente en las ciudades de Miami y Nueva York. En esta etapa, la BC consolida su prestigio y potencial como plataforma internacional, a la vez que reafirma su operatividad desde la inclusión y la apertura hacia todas las manifestaciones plásticas y visuales contemporáneas.

En el contexto de la declaración de la ciudad de Santo Domingo como “Capital Americana de la Cultura 2010”, el Ministerio de Cultura de la República Dominicana, a través del Museo de Arte Moderno, procede a la tarea de una redefinición radical de las bases organizativas, objetivos y denominación originales de la BC que, a partir de esta convocatoria, se enfoca hacia nuevos horizontes de contenido como Trienal Internacional del Caribe (TRIC2010), que tendrá lugar en el Museo de Arte Moderno y otros espacios abiertos y alternativos de la capital dominicana, desde el 1 de septiembre hasta el 24 de octubre del 2010.

Durante esta primera década del siglo XXl, la República Dominicana asume una presencia estelar en los procesos de integración y fortalecimiento de la democracia en el Caribe y América Latina. Iniciativas del presidente de la República, Dr. Leonel Fernández, propician soluciones dignas en situaciones conflictivas que recientemente han trastornado la estabilidad política regional. De manera espontánea, distintas personalidades e instituciones del ámbito político han distinguido la Ciudad Primada como “capital del diálogo y la democracia”. Así, en el marco de los festejos de “Santo Domingo Capital Americana de la Cultura 2010”, el Ministerio de Cultura y el Museo de Arte Moderno, proyectan esta I Trienal Internacional del Caribe, inspirándose en la profunda vocación de la “Ciudad del Ozama” como espacio de encuentro regional y diálogo fraterno en torno a las problemáticas sociales, culturales, políticas y ecológicas más inquietantes que afronta la humanidad de nuestro tiempo.

Debido al calentamiento climático global, los “agujeros” de la capa de ozono aumentan el riesgo ante los cancerígenos rayos del sol, el hielo de los dos polos y los glaciares del Himalaya se están derritiendo aceleradamente; los desastres climáticos se presentan con mayor frecuencia e intensidad, afectando gravemente, hasta ahora, alrededor de 250 millones de personas. Cabe señalar que los principales gases de efecto invernadero alcanzaron en 2008 niveles nunca registrados desde la era preindustrial. Los expertos advierten que, si no se consigue reducir del 50 al 85%, las emisiones mundiales para el 2020, a mediados de este siglo sólo quedará el 5% de los bosques tropicales. Hacia el 2090, habrá desaparecido el 66% de los mamíferos, las aves y las plantas del mundo. En distintas regiones del planeta, el calentamiento atmosférico ya está destruyendo la agricultura, matando la ganadería, aumentando la superficie del mar, las lluvias y los desiertos, deviniendo como terribles consecuencias el hambre y la pobreza extrema.

La XV Conferencia Internacional de la Organización de la Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (COP 15), recién celebrada en Copenhague (Dinamarca), concluyó, luego de un insólito “acuerdo” de renuncia -entre los principales países industrializados- a la firma de un pacto político anticalentamiento, equivalente a la ratificación del Protocolo de Kioto (2005). La intensificación del diálogo y de los procesos transdisciplinarios, propiciando soluciones efectivas ante la complejidad de la actual crisis climática planetaria, no sólo se plantea como imperativo de orden ético y moral, sino también como desafío ideológico, concerniente a todas las naciones, a todos los sectores -políticos, económicos, científicos, culturales, comunitarios, profesionales o ciudadanos-, pues el predominio de los valores económicos sobre los ecológicos resulta una de las primeras causas de esta crisis.

Al igual que la Ciencia y la Tecnología, el Arte representa una forma de conocimiento multidisciplinario y una vía excepcional de relación con el cosmos, que testimonia el compromiso de la cultura y el arte: los conceptos de desarrollo, sociedad y medioambiente son inseparables. Siempre a la Vanguardia, los artistas se entregan a la arriesgada y fértil tarea de reintegrar la creación, de aprender – y enseñar – de nuevo a formar parte de la Tierra y jamás separarnos de ella.

Desde el ámbito de las artes plásticas y visuales contemporáneas se registran prácticas simbólicas y propuestas alternativas hacia una relación más íntegra y armónica entre biosfera y espacio social, cultura y biodiversidad, humanidad y naturaleza, arte, sociedad y medioambiente. Los creadores visuales contemporáneos “intervienen” y se aproximan a la naturaleza como tema o espacio para la acción lúdica, crítica, provocadora, profundamente implicante siempre. El artista comprometido de hoy siente la necesidad de que sus creaciones reflejen, desde una postura crítica, los alarmantes cambios de valores, e incidan en su puesta en evidencia y su rectificación.

La I Trienal Internacional del Caribe se proyecta como plataforma privilegiada de empoderamiento para el arte y los artistas contemporáneos del Caribe y Centroamérica; como nueva apuesta al diálogo multicultural, edificador, abierto, reflexivo, poético, transparente, festivo, propositivo, fraternal e impostergable-desde y a través-de la imaginación, la sensibilidad y la creatividad. Sin límites de medios, ideas o recursos expresivos, la TRIC/2010 se enfoca especialmente en artistas cuyas propuestas comparten el hecho de plantearnos un intenso cuestionamiento sobre los múltiples elementos que configuran las complejas identidades y realidades sociales contemporáneas, así como una preocupación esencial por los efectos dañinos que resultan de la vertiginosa degradación que los distintos grupos humanos, vienen infligiendo a la biodiversidad y al medioambiente, muchas veces a través de procesos de explotación, “desarrollo” y consumo de los recursos naturales no renovables.

RULES and REGULATIONS for the "I International Caribbean Triennial" Santo Domingo 2010.

Conmemorative poster for the
"I International Caribbean Triennial"
Santo Domingo 2010.


Article 1. - As from the date of the present decree, the Biennial of Paintings in the Caribbean and Central America will henceforth be called « International Triennial of the Caribbean » and will take place every three years in the city of Santo-Domingo, National District, in the Dominican Republic.


Article 2. – The organizing committee will consist of the following membersplae every three years in the city of Santo-Domingo, national District, in the Dominican Republic. the Minister of Culture who will act as its President, the Director of the Modern Art Museum (MAM), the Director of the National Gallery of Fine Arts, the Curator of the MAM, the Vice-Director of the General Directorate of Fine Arts, an Art critique representing the ADCA, the coordinator of the Technical Unit of Culture of the House of Deputies of the Dominican republic, a Culture member of the Ministry of Tourism, a Culture member of the Ministry of the Environment and a Culture member of the Municipality of Santo Domingo, national District.

Paragraph: the Committee of curators will be made up of Art specialists of the said committee.


Article 3.- The First International Triennial of the Caribbean of Santo Domingo will take place from the First (1st) of September to the twenty fourth (24th) of October 2010 and will set up two distinct exhibition centres, one for Dominican artists and another for artists from the Caribbean.

Article 4.- The first centre will be made up of the art works of artists selected as special guests by the committee and whose works will be acquired by the Triennial in order to increase the funds of the Modern Art Museum collection. A Diploma of Honours will be handed to these artists.

Article 5.- The second center will consist of artists previously selected by invitation from a commissioner/curator of each geo-linguistic area empowered to select a maximum of three (3) artists from each country in the area under his responsibility.

Paragraph I: The Dominican Republic as host of the event reserves the right to apply a quota of 10% of the totality of the selected artists.

Paragraph II: The next step consists in presenting the projects and works to the committee of the Triennial’s curators who approve the final selection.


Article 6.- Proposals of each commissioner/curator will have to be received by the Modern Art Museum at the latest on the Thirtieth (30th) of May 2010.

Article 7.- Before May 30 2010, the commissioners/curators will have to send the following documents to the Modern Art Museum:

a) Personal information concerning the artists (date and place of birth, current address, telephone number, e-mail address); their academic studies, their participation in individual and/or collective exhibitions; Prizes, awards and distinctions, photographs and CDs of previous works.

b) The personal data as well as the motivation of the proposed art work submitted to the Triennial will have to appear on the inscription form.

c) A short text (not exceeding 200 words) written preferably by an Art critique concerning each selected artist.

d) It will be possible to present two dimensional and sculptural works in the form of high resolution digital images. Installations and/or sculptural groups, apart from having to be presented as project, will also be required to include the following supportive information: the conceptual justification of the curator, its physical characteristics, technical feasibility, plans and graphic description, means of support and any other element likely to contribute to the understanding of the proposal and its installation.

It is also requested to specify how the components of the art piece will be sent.

Paragraph I: It must be considered that sending the proposals together with the documents required, will formalize participation to the First Triennial of the Caribbean Santo. Moreover, the presentation of ’the graphic material should be explicit and possess a high quality resolution. It is also strongly suggested to send it in CD form or any other appropriate form of storing digital data.

Paragraph II: It is recommended to send the proposals by calling upon the transport enterprise contracted by the Triennial or by contacting the enterprise at the following electronic address:


Paragraph III: These documents will not be returned to their respective curators/commissioners but will remain in the Museum of Modern Art archives as historical memory of the event and as research material.

Article 8.- The International Triennial of the Caribbean Santo Domingo 2010 will have a single theme: Art and the Environment.

Article 9.- Projects executed individually or collectively will be admitted. Art pieces possessing either a two dimensional or a three dimensional character such as objects integrated into space, digital objects or multimedia will be allowed to participate. Styles and techniques are to be applied with total freedom. The works and projects presented should not have been done prior to the year 2008.

N. B: The Department of Museography of the Modern Art Museum reserves the right to allocate an exhibition space to each country and artist, taking into consideration the structural and spatial characteristics of the museum.

Article 10.- Each curator will be responsible to submit a participation form for every artist selected delivered by the Modern Art Museum which falls under the authority of the Minister of Culture of the Dominican Republic.


Article 11.- In order to facilitate the assembling of a piece, the curator/commissioner, after consulting with the artists, will have to submit all the distinctive features of the piece to be presented.

Paragraph: Specialized technical equipment necessary to install and/or assemble the art works will have to be send together with the works.

Article 12.- The to and from transport costs of the art works will be taken charge of by the Dominican Minister of Culture. Each curator will receive the procedures forms from the Modern Art Museum/Minister of Culture of the Dominican Republic in order to proceed with the sending. Curators and artists will have to respect these procedures.

Article 13.- The art pieces must reach the Dominican Republic no later than the Thirty first (31) of July 2010. They are to be forwarded to the following address:

Ministerio de Cultura de la República Dominicana,

Museo de Arte Moderno,

Código Postal 10204,

Avda. Pedro Henríquez Ureña, Gazcue,

Plaza de la Cultura Juan Pablo Duarte,

Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.

Paragraph: Acknowledgement of receipt of the works will be issued as soon as these are received and their conditions duly checked.


Article 14.- The return of the art pieces will be submitted to the same procedures as those applied for their sending. This return process will begin thirty (30) days after the closure of the Triennial. Procedures and means to return the pieces will be established by the Modern Art Museum/Ministry of Culture of the Dominican Republic


Article 15.- The awarding of prizes will be the responsibility of an International jury consisting of five (5) art specialists and personalities of the World of Art, recognized at International level.

Article 16.- The prizes will comprise of:

1) An editorial prize which consists in the production and printing of a monographic catalogue in the Dominican Republic.

2) An exhibition prize which will consist in an individual exhibition in the Modern Art Museum of the Dominican Republic and which will include a catalogue of the exhibition, transport and insurance of the art works as well as the travel costs and stay of the artist.

3) A residential prize allowing the artist to stay in the Dominican Republic for a period ranging from 15 to 30 days, within the context of a programme for resident artists, subject to a contract which will include transport and maintenance costs for the duration indicated.

Moreover appreciation and mentions of honour will be awarded.

Paragraph: The prize winning art pieces will be integrated in the Modern Art Museum Collection.

Article 17.- All the prizes will be awarded.


Article 18.- The verdict of the Jury is irrevocable. The Jury will inform of the prize winning art pieces at a public function within fifteen (15) working days following the opening of the Triennial.

Article 19.- By accepting the present rules and regulations, the artists, whatever the nature of their participation in the Triennial, authorize the organizers of the International Triennial of the Caribbean Santo Domingo 2010 to reproduce, photograph, film and record the art items presented for purposes of documenting, diffusion, printing of catalogues and other publications, including by electronic and digital means.

Article 20.- It will not be permitted to withdraw any art piece before the closure date of the International Triennial of the Caribbean Santo Domingo 2010.

Article 21.- The Modern Art Museum of the Dominican Republic will guarantee at all times the security, protection and preservation of the pieces received. However, it will not be responsible for any damage, mutilation, fracture, loss of colour or staining of the pieces which may occur during the transport to their final destination and vice versa. The same applies in case of partial or total loss whatever the causes including fire, theft and acts of vandalism or force majeure.

Article 22.- The selected works will remain exhibited in the Modern Art Museum for a period of eight (8) weeks starting from the opening date of the Triennial.

Article 23.- The participants awarded these three prizes, concede exclusively and graciously and for an indefinite period of time, to the Modern Art Museum the patrimonial rights over the award winning pieces that will be integrated in the Museum’s Collection, the Dominican State being its sole proprietor. Whatever the case may be, the Modern Art Museum reserves the right to reproduce and commercialize copies, respecting of course at all times the moral rights of the authors as established by the Dominican law 65-00 or other laws applying or which may be passed.

Paragraph: Any other information not included in these Rules and Regulations may be obtained directly and solely from the Modern Art Museum of the Dominican Republic or through the commissioners/curators assigned in each geo-linguistic area by the organizing committee whose telephone number is:

809-685-215, extensions 225/226, or by writing to:
